View this Christmas Jumper on the Not on the High Street website
Baubles Christmas sweater

Recapture your inner child and share in the excitement expressed by the younger generation of children. Christmas in the UK is a time for joy and anticipation, frivolity and celebration, so celebrate UK Christmas Jumper Day 2014 by donning a festive sweater.
Christmas jumpers in the UK are a fast growing fashion item. They can be subtle or outrageous, sexy, or just silly. There is a massive, growing trend to become the owner of the latest and tastiest Christmas jumper in the UK.
Our aim has been to select an exciting up to the minute range that will satisfy your innermost desire and taste (whether your taste is sophisticated, or just plain silly). For example, gaudy jumpers with reindeers and robins are now ubiquitous in the UK. They have become as traditional as our Christmas turkey and pud (these motifs can be found on our website if you are quick). And that is the whole point of the UK Christmas woolly in 2014.
It represents the putting on of our festive persona -one that disregards the normal conservatism of our mundane everyday lives. What we wear affects us psychologically and can alter our mood. It will also influence how others respond to us. So when buying your Christmas jumper think about the effects you are after ….if you choose a similar festive jumper to your boss, you are more likely to get promoted …. if you wear a red Christmas jumper ladies, you are more likely to be asked out on a date than if you wear any other colour…. a jumper with a diagonal design will create a slimmer illusion and likewise if you wish to appear even slimmer wear a mono print and develop the all one colour theme throughout (yes, even red). Regarding the differences in gender … men will notice your sweater first, whereas women will usually notice a man’s face and mood before she takes in the garb. The softess knitted materials can also transmit an actual physical response of being touched, stroked or hugged … so buyers be aware!
Christmas Jumper Day is only round the corner – choose today to have your jumper in time for Friday 12th December – our National Christmas Jumper Day.