Get yourself straight to the top of Santa’s naughty list with these rude Christmas jumpers. From crude cartoons to colourful language these novelty yuletide jumpers are guaranteed to spread a little festive cheer this Christmas. There’s plenty to chose from for men and women too – perfect as a gift or even an early crimbo treat for yourself. These naughty knits will keep you warm and break the ice (explaining your crude costume choice is an excellent conversation starter). Just maybe don’t wear it when you visit gran…
Rude Christmas jumpers
Has all the nicey nicey Christmas stuff got your guff? How about rebelling and pulling on a decidedly indecent jumper that will have your straight laced rellies all a-twitter? And don’t worry about being put on Santa’s bad list for wearing your naughty knit. Us little elves at Merry Christmas Jumpers have got the inside scoop when it comes to the big man and we know he’s prone to a bit of naughtiness himself (just check out some of the jumpers here if you need any proof!). Be it just a bit rude, out-there crude or down right lewd, we’ll help you get your Christmas mits on something risqué to cover your tits (oops! Did we just say that?!)

Filthy festive fun with this cool and cosy knit. Available in a range of colours ya filthy animal! Read More »